World's Biggest Garage Sale!

31 August 2020 1:31 PM | QSEC Admin (Administrator)

World’s Biggest Garage Sale has built a strong brand and presence within the  Australian circular economy and social enterprise space. As such, our team is often asked to share experience and practical knowledge to deliver support and services to uplift other brands and businesses within the community. This includes existing businesses, new startups and individuals seeking to enhance or build their own enterprises. Our team are multi-award winners, most recently winning the Office of the Queensland Chief Entrepreneur ‘Brand of the Year’ award for 2019. 

With several decades worth of expertise in entrepreneurship, sales, operations, marketing, and science-led practice, our team want to share our experiences to give a helping hand to other businesses along their path to success. Together we can work to strengthen the circular economy and social enterprise in Australia. We are currently offering a number of services to guide and provide knowledge and capabilities to fellow social enterprises and startups. 

Our CANsulting services are designed to connect intrepreneurs and entrepreneurs to our own experiences as a high-speed startup/scale-up and give focus and drive to innovate, transform market offerings and achieve their vision. 

Expressions of interest:

 Queensland Social Enterprise Council Ltd is a Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG)
Brisbane Business Hub, Level 3, 155 Queen Street, Brisbane QLD 4000

ABN: 85 736 525 663
ACN: 647 323 448

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